Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Phone holster

I've always thought that phone holsters were stupid.

After missing 2 calls (some of the last calls I'm expecting for a long while) I'm seriously considering pricing out a nice phone holster. Or two. The only problem is that my phone doesn't really work inside of the library, so it seems a little pointless.

Also, why is it that he always calls when I'm 1) away from my desk and/or 2) not in a position where I can take some time to talk to him? I spend hours at work typing policy, working on spreadsheets and other mundane administrative minutiae, but he always calls when I'm right in the middle of some sort of crisis.

I guess he just has a gift. :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phone holsters would be really useful. Try getting one and you'd get used to it.